Bezpieczny Bank nr 4 (77) 2019, s. 81-109

Marcin Idzik
ORCID 0000-0002-7632-2941
Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Faculty of Economic Sciences

Jacek Gieorgica
ORCID 0000-0002-9196-5195
Polish Bank Association

Reputation determinants of the banking sector in Poland


The objective of this paper is to identify the determinants of reputation of the banking sector in Poland and to segment the society according to the factors that shape the reputation. Banks in Poland have a good reputation. The factors of a good reputation are in clear advantage over the factors of a bad reputation. The most important things in shaping the banks’ reputation are the axiological determinants. Their significance is three times as high as the effectiveness determinants linked to the satisfaction with the banking services, and it is much higher than the impact of the normative determinants connected with the institutional aspects of the banking sector. The three selected homogeneous typological groups of consumers differ from each other in terms of normative, axiological and altruistic determinants that shape the reputation. The effectiveness determinants do not diversify the consumers in terms of their impact on the the banks’ reputation assessment. The most important touch points that shape the banks’ reputation are: consumers’ personal experience, customer service attendants in the banks, friends’ opinions as well as the opinions of the people who are regarded by the consumers as experts. When modelling the reputation determinants, a structural equation modelling method (SEM) was used. Studies were carried out on a nationwide representative sample of N=1000 residents of Poland using the CAPI method in March 2019.

Key words: banks, reputation, structural equation models (SEM – Structural Equation Models)

JEL: G41; M31; M52; E71; G10


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