The European Forum of Deposit Insurers – EFDI was established in 2002 at a conference in Vienna, in which deposit guarantee institutions from 25 European countries took part. The Bank Guarantee Fund was among the EFDI founding members.

In 2007, EFDI was transformed into an international non-profit association, headquaretered in Brussels. The reason for changing EFDI’s operational formula, i.e. from an informal forum for the exchange of views, knowledge and experience between deposit guarantee institutions in Europe into an international association with legal personality and an organizational structure, was the desire to formalize the competencies of EFDI representatives pursuant to an expansion of the scope of cooperation with the European Commission. BFG contributed active, logistical support in the establishment of the association and subsequently became a full member of EFDI.

The primary aim of EFDI is to contribute to the stability of financial systems while promoting European cooperation in the field of deposit guarantees and promoting discussion as well as the exchange of experiences among deposit guarantee institutions.

EFDI currently consists of 56 members representing 43 European countries (some countries are represented by more than one guarantee institution; e.g. in EFDI, Germany is represented by seven institutions, Austria by five, Italy by three, and Portugal by two).